3 Things No One Tells You About Getting Married

From wedding websites, blogs and magazines to your dear aunt Gertrude, there's no doubt you've heard plenty of advice when it comes to planning your wedding. But, what about the Big Day? What really goes down when you're walking down the aisle? Here's the inside scoop from one of our Mayla Studios representatives who recently tied the knot.  

1. Something is bound to go wrong. 

With so much preparation and planning, you'd think the Big Day would go by without a hitch, right? Yeah, not so much.

At my sister's wedding, the hotel staff dropped the groom's cake. 

At my best friend's wedding, the bride discovered the reception facility served the wrong wine. 

For our wedding, we had planned an outdoor ceremony amongst the rolling hills of a beautiful bed and breakfast near the Shenandoah Mountains. After weeks of beautiful sunshine and perfect weather, it rained for three days, straight through our wedding weekend. At least it means good luck, right?

For the most part, no one is going to be able to tell that something didn't go the way you had originally planned. The best thing you can do is to not dwell on the little things and enjoy everything that's going right.

2. Buckle up for the {emotional} ride of your life. 

The morning of my wedding day, I woke up ready to party. As I got my hair and makeup done, as I put on my dress, as I giggled with my girlfriends and noshed on pre-party food,  I couldn't wait to see my newly minted hubby waiting for me at the altar. Even when I stood alone, waiting for my cue, I couldn't wait to eat, drink and be merry. 

No one really talks about the emotional roller coaster that strikes when it's your turn to walk down the aisle. 

That moment when I saw my husband waiting for me across the aisle, that moment when I saw everyone that I love stand and turn to watch me make my way, that moment when it hits me that we're really doing this. Those moments and emotions struck me like a Mack truck. I had to partake in deep breathing techniques (deep breath in the nose, out of the mouth) as I walked down the aisle to make sure I didn't start bawling like a baby. Maybe some brides are prepared for this moment but I definitely was not. My advice: keep tissues somewhere handy. 

3. Time flies when you're having fun.

Planning for a wedding is a lot like that Dreamworks movie Turbo. For days/weeks/months you're filled with ambition, enthusiasm and excitement but the time flies about as fast as racing snails. Then, one day, you find yourself miraculously armed with nitrous oxide and bam! The day you've been waiting for passes by with a blink of an eye. 

Odds are your wedding day will go by in a series of events, especially if you have an event coordinator: walk down the aisle, say I do, take pictures, first dance as a married couple, eat dinner, cut the cake... Somewhere during that time you and your hubby will say hello to the dozens or hundreds of family and friends, take endless photos and kiss every time someone clinks their knife against their wine glass. Next thing you know the DJ is playing the last song and someone from the cleaning crew is sweeping the rose pedals off the floor. 

The time will fly but try and savor every moment. It really is one of the best days of your life.